Books / Papers


<Study of Tourism & Travel>
★New strategy of “TOURISM NATION” NIPPONーExplore overseas market!

The Opinions series of Professor Suzuki NO.5,2015/03(NC communications 
★Prescription for  “TOURISM NATION” NIPPON
ーGambare !  Local government & local community-
The Opinions series of Professor Suzuki NO.4,2013/03(NC communications)
★A Study of  “TOURISM NATION” NIPPON for Beginners -Practical edition-
The Opinions series of Professor Suzuki NO.3,2011/07(NC communications)
★ “TOURISM NATION” NIPPON ! Learn Overseas Countries.
(As a Tourism Developing Nation. Japan Should Learn from Abroad)
The Opinions series of Professor Suzuki NO.2,2009(NC communications)
The Opinions series of Professor Suzuki NO.1,2008(NC communications)

鈴木教授の観光学オピニオン・シリーズ NC Communications. Prof.SUZUKI’s TOURISM Opinion Series

★[ International Tourism Promotion-The future of Asia & the Pacific   2000]
★ 「TOURISM NATION CHINA & EXPO Shanghai」2011/01(J.F. Oberlin Univ.)
★「China Information Handbook2010-2011」『Information on Tourism in China』2010/11(Sososha)
★ 「Super Big Country, China in the futureーFoundation After 60 years ー」2010/03(J.F.Oberlin Univ.)
★ A Study of Cities「International Competitive Strategies of Tourism  Promotion
―Study from overseas cases―」(Osaka) (2007)
★「Our system of Tourism Nation Japan-Studying overseas cases-」KOBE Univ. (2007)
★ A TOURISM STUDY for the Beginers [Koyoshobo]2006/04
★ 「Tourism Nation CHINA in the Future」Doyukan (2006/02月)
★ Present and Future of Big country of China(J.F.Oberlin Univ.2005/10)
★「The Study of Tourism Statistics」University of KOBE (2005)
★「New Edition Guidebook of Travel Industry] JAFIT:(Doyukan 2004)

★[How to become University professor after 55 years old(2003)]
★[ How to get along well with the Chinese   1997]
★[ How to survive and thrive in China   1995]
★[ Laws in the country of the Koalas   1986]



★書評 [JSTHE日本観光ホスピタリティ教育学会12号]「やさしい日本語とやさしい英語でおもてなし」(2019年2月)
★論文『これからの港湾とみなと総研への期待ー30年の港湾の歩みを踏まえてークルーズ・観光ー』(みなと総研)2017年10月AUTUMN NO.17
★『JAPAN’S Direction for “TOURISM NATION” 』(CASINO JAPAN)2014/02  ➡ [ カジノ IR ジャパン]
★「Vitalization by TWOWAY TOURISM!-a case study of Cairns, Australia-」(『SHISEI』2013/10)
★「Innovation and Transport in the travel Industry」『Structure Innovation for Channel and Management
at the travel industry in Japan』「Transport and Economics」(2010/05)

★(MLIT)「New Economic-Social structure at the Asian global structure system」
(For the Establishment of JAPAN-CHINA-KOREA exchange region )
★Ibaraki-Pref.「FORM」『How to promote FOOD-Tourism』NO.22(2009/02)
★「World Tourism and Travel  competitive Ranking and TOURISM NATION Japan」―Through the examining of Japan’s Position No.25―』
(Osaka University of Tourism  Mar.,2008)
★International Tourism Promotion by Utilizing Food Tourism (Osaka University of Tourism  Mar.,2007)
★「The Soft-Infra at the field of Tourism around the Japan Sea」Toyo Univ.2007/3
★「A Study of International Tourism Promotion by Loosening of VISA Issuance」(Osaka University of Tourism  Mar.,2004)
★『My Vitalization Plan of The Kansai Area and the Kansai Airport』Organised by South-Osaka Univ. Consortium ・
(「Silver Prize 」
★『A Study of Overseas Package Tours at the Decline Stage : A Case Study of Product Life Cycle
(Osaka University of Tourism  Mar.,2003)
★『The present overseas package tours in China and a tour comparison between Chinese and Japanese
(The Japan Society for Interdisciplinary Tourism Studies. No.1・Nov.,2002)
★A study of the strategies for tour planning -The age of international tourism in 21st century-
(Osaka University of Tourism  Nov.,2002)
★The change of distinctive strategies on the tour package brochures -A research of the LOOK JTB brand-
(June,2001・NO.38 Japan Academic Society of Tourism)
★The Risk Management at the International Travel Business A Study of Japanese Travel Industry in the 21st Century
((Osaka University of Tourism April,2001)
★The Change of tourism and promotion policies at main countries under the Monetary Crisis(A Study of Asian tourism)
(Osaka University of Tourism April,2000) 


[Others-Newspapers etc.]
★NEW!NEANET創立20周年記念フォーラム(講演) ポストコロナ&クライナ戦争後における国際観光の方向性PPT」
★[NEANET会員投稿]ウクライナ情勢に係る意見(SUZUKI)」(2022/4/3) 有志全員の意見
週刊農林「農林抄」「長びくコロナ禍での地域活性化(1)~(3)」 (2021年11月25日~12月25日:3回)
★北東アジア国際観光会議IFNAT ONLINE in 韓国・慶山市(国際会議・講演PPT)[2021年11月20日]

★NEW!  ミニ論文「政党・公明新聞」『コロナ後、観光どう立て直す』(2021年4月30日

★[15th IFNAT in ANTONG]Int’l Tourism and the COVID-19 Pandemic – The Impact and Revitalizing-
The Impact of the Global Pandemic on Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia and the Pacific]
★「新型コロナ収束と地方観光振興(1)~(3) [(週刊農林「農林抄」](2020年7月25日~3回連載中)
★ NHKニュースへの提言「クルーズ船・新型コロナ感染者統計の記載方法」(2020年4月下旬-5月中旬)
★  国土交通省港湾局(お手伝い)「海洋周辺地域における訪日観光の充実・開拓及び魅力向上事業」(2020年4月~6月)
NEANET第28回研究フォーラム「日本からみた一帯一路」『「一帯一路構想を取り巻く国際観光と観光立国ニッポン」』ミニ発表&パネリスト(2019年11月8日)全体概要  発表PPT
2019年北東アジア国際観光会議 in ハルピン(哈尔滨)[2019年8月31日ー9月1日]
基調講演(添付:中国語・中文简体)「北東アジアの観光振興(How to promote tourism in North East Asia)
NEW! 北東アジア経済発展国際会議in 新潟(NICE)2019 (2019年1月30日)
[概要](日本文-概要)(英文)(PPT) (日本文‐発表)
[概要]  (日本文)(英文)(PPT)
★DVD3巻監修「BBC ニッポンの旅ージョアンナ・ラムレイが見た日本ー」BBC+丸善出版(2017年11月)(岩波) (YOUTUBE)

★「The needs of customers is the best」(The Yomiuri  News paper『Ronten論点』2013/7/12
<News papers series>2011-2012(1year)「Monthly report of Regional Banks Association of Japan」

「The cases of Vitalizing Areas by Tourism」Until 2012/9
<News paper series ><Komei news paper>2009/11-2010/ 08.31 times/Weekly
[Local Vitalization.Road  to the Tourism Nation Japan ]
★「YOKOSA! JAPAN Tourism Nation and Business chance of medium-small firms」Resona Bank(2009/01




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